Saturday, October 10, 2009

Still alive, honest!

Well, it's been a frustrating 6 months with little meaningful progress to report. Once back from my 'holiday', spare time was taken up with a major kitchen refit. This had the effect of not only taking up any time thay have been available for car building, but also resulted in the garage filling up with non-car related DIY items. Once the kitchen was finished, it was a necessity to clear the garage before any work could commence. It was decided that some of the panels/doors from the old kitchen could be usefuly employed as boarding for the loft in the garage which had been partly boarded by the previous owner. I ascended into the loft to complete the task but at some stage, trod on a board that was insecure at one end! All I remember was feeling like I was in a Harry Potter flu-tube and ended up on my backside on the garage floor. On my way, I landed on the front of the car. Fortunately, the suspension cushioned my fall, however, some damage was done to the front - the nose panel was damaged ant the light broken off. I was very lucky though as I landed a few feet away from a box of off cuts that, had I landed on them, would have taked a core sample from my torso!!! Resultant injuries meant a few more weeks off followed by a (careful) concerted effort to re-sort the garage. Now that task is complete, I once again find myself on 'holiday' in the same sandy, dusty place as before. Oh well, I'll keep at it I guess although some sort of miracle where the car gets finished for me in some sort of 'Overhauling' scenario!!!!!

Progress recently has been a little minor tampering with some trial bodywork - photos to follow!!!

Keep watching - hopefully progress soon.....

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