For those of you in the UK, one of the Discovery Channels is repeating the' A Race Car is Born' Series in which TV Vet Mark Evans makes a Westfield. In last nights episode, we were treated to Mark 'Smug Git' Evans opening the next box of brand new bits to assemble another part of his car, followed by him saying to camera 'and look what we've achieved in just four days'. Full of inspiration I went to the workshop determined to make real progress. 2 hours later I had made 1 sodding bracket. Ok, it was a particularly tricky shape, but I didn't even get time to weld it! And I've got to make one for the other side as well. With a house move looming, my glacial progress doesn't bode well, although for now the 'car' will remain in the workshop where it is. Still, Birthday approaches and offers of money to buy bits mean that I can treat myself to a couple of M12 fine pitch female rose joints!!!
Las week I ground off all the bird s*** welds on the wishbone and re-did it using advice from the ever helpful Locostbuilders. Much better, but still a little inconsistent - but someone more experienced than I said that they looked 'plenty strong enough'. Both bottom wishbones are now made, hance the work above on the brackets. When these are made, and I have my birthday 'treat', the car will be sort of on two wheels at least!!!
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