Drilled the second set of arms tonight, then welded in the inserts. These were then welded to the plates - hurray, one wishbone complete. The welding isn't the neatest - some bits went really well, others look messy, but there is excellent penetration and they seem v.strong!
Hi there,
Sure you have enough articulation on the leading sperical bearing? It will be entering the bracket on the chassis at a very acute angle. You may need to mod the wishbone so the rod end is 90 degrees to the plane of movement.
The longer of the arms is virtually a trailing arm and the shorter just about a lateral arm so there 'should' be enough. I hope....!
Thanks for the input.
Hi JC,
When the 2 members are linked, they will behave as a wishbone irrespective of thier orientation to the centre line of the chassis.
Trailing or lateral arms have only 2 connections. Wishbones have 3 as in your case.
The radial movement of a wishbone is 90 degrees to a line drawn between the centres of the bearings.
The front bearing will operate more in missalignment(twist) than radially.
The aft bearing looks ok; operating more radially than misalignment.
The bearings look like 12 x 12 in which case they will have about 15 degrees of misalignment.
I think the front bearing will run out misalignment angle before maximum travel is achieved.
You can get high misalignment bearings. I think it may be better to reengineer the front of the wishbone.
I wish you well with your project!
Thanks again! Am I right in saying that if the plane of the bearing is turned through 90 degrees, the potential problem would be alleviated? (I.e mounting bolt vertical)
Have you got an email?
I'll send drawings.
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