I've spent the last few weeks moving the car into the garage at home. A neighbour was kind enough to help with the loan of his trailer although it was only just wide enough - he uses it for an old 1900and something Vauxhall which is very narrow. I've been gradually shipping the smaller parts as I find room to store them - it's amazing the amount of stuff you accumulate, I'll have to have a clearance sale/giveaway soon (anyone for some Metro uprights and driveshafts?).
Last week I took 2 days off, one for christmas shopping and one to work on the car. However, as expected really, the shoppng spilled into the second day! Today though I got home early and finally made a little progress. I made the bottom 2 radiator mounts. One is attached to the removable lower frame and the other bolts to a bracket on the side tube. For this one I was able to re-use a suspension bracket made years ago but never used. It was quite satisfying cutting through one of the welds on it and seeing positive evidence of their solidity!
Hopefully the next item to progress will be the handbrake mount - I am trying to work from back to front finishing the areas already started (centre tunnel, pedals) before turning to the battery box, fuel tank and expansion tank.
Fingers crossed......!
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