Today I finally managed to get all the components of the gear change tacked into position. The action is generally fine although I was finding it difficult to get 2nd, 4th and reverse. Investigation revealed that the end of the shift rod was fouling on the joint at the bottom of the gear lever - a few seconds with a file soon sorted that. Once I had fettled that piece, the change was much better although going across the gat is a little sloppy -caused by a little twisting where the rod bolts into the old steering UJ and also by the joint that holds the gear lever rotating - that will be solved with a lock nut or some thread lock. I then resumed work on the pedals. I decided to try cutting down one of the original Rover pedals and using the stub from that to operate the master cylinders. All went well although I should perhaps have drilled a new hole for the clevis before tacking it together!! incidentally, the lightening holes drilled in the pedals are largely for visual effect - about 22p in change in your pocket would counteract any benefit!!!
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