Finally got back in the workshop last night. The reason for the delay? Partly grotty cold, the rest see here http://www.totalkitcar.com/tested.php#1136
Anyway, finished the second suspension bracket last night and went to weld up the first. First weld went OK, but was disturbed during the second. Re-welded it but it had a few pin holes in it, so ground it back to check it - didn't look too bad. Then went to weld the other side of the joints. First the wire got stuck to the tip. Freed it, then the wire stuck again and tripped the power. Removed the tip and tried to replace it but couldn't get the new tip on. Also, the welder is now not operating, so I must have blown a fuse somewhere. I hope it is not worse! I won't be getting much done for a while now as I am moving house this weekend. By the time I've finished that, John will be back in the country and I can look forward to a weekend of mechanical mayhem while respective other halves and kids get together!