Today I made further progress with the clutch pedal. I began by welding some washers to the rough pedals that I made a few weeks ago - this was to make them fit the TR7 stub better - I have run out of 16g off cuts and awaiting more so I had to make do! I then drilled the holes in the sides before attaching them to the TR7 stub. The welds needed a little fettling to ensure that the return spring - the sole reason for using the TR7 stub - fitted properly. The last time I was in the workshop, a passer by offered some welding advice and suggested that I turned down the gas flow. The difference that this has made has been amazing! Anyway, I welded both sides to the stub, which needed further trimming. I also trimmed the bracket so that the pedal could be set at a reasonable angle. Once it was all assembled, I checked the action - I am slightly concerned that the travel might be a bit short, but I guess time will tell on that one!!!
I have also made a few decisions on the braking. A fellow Locostbuilder is sending me a Mini master cylinder. It is a 'type 3' which has a stepped bore, designed to limit rear braking on the Mini. I am going to reverse the plumbing in order to account for the lack of weight at the front of my car. I have also decided VW/Audi rear calipers are the best bet - they are readily available secondhand at reasonable prices and in good condition. This will avoid having to fork out for reconditioned Sierra calipers, including postage!!! We'll see if it works!