Not much 'real' progress to report except for a few purchases! Firstly I was lucky and bagged an airflow meter for my Zetec SE engine - this was missing when I got the donor car so I had been keeping my eye on the 'bay for a while - got lucky and £1.99 well spent! I've also been keeping my eyes open for some springs for the rear struts. I went to the Newark autojumble a few weeks ago and just missed a chap selling loads of springs for pence each! Instead I got a pair from E bay that were the right size but the at the highest rate I wanted - £10 including postage. A bit of elbow grease (free) and some paint and they are looking better - they still need another coat though! I also bought the bearing for the gear change from McGill motorsports - £3.60 including postage! OK, you wouldn't want it in your suspension but for what I want, it's ideal! I also was quite hopeful when I saw a 'Smart' fuel tank on E-bay. The seller very kindly provided dimensions for me but it was 2cm too big to fit where I wanted! Oh well, back to plan A!!!