Cardboard aided design that is!!! I spent a few mornings last week fiddling with various bits of the car. Firstly I trimmed the gearchange bracket that bolts onto the transmission - it was fouling the bolt in frame. I also added some 3/4 tube to strengthen it as it was flexing. Although this has improved things, I may well re-make it from thicker steel. I also fettled and welded the 2 tubes that hold the gear lever at the front. I haven't quite finished the gearchange though - the sideforces on the change rod were causing it to bind on the nylon block I was using. This will be replaced with a cheap rose joint. I then turned my mind to the pedals. I made a pedal box fro cardboard using the Chris Gibbs book as a pattern. I slightly altered some of the dimensions to suit my feet. However, as the pedals are going to be in full view, I want them to look good as well so I made a model from cardboard that I think looks OK. I then made one side of it from steel before running out of time. I have acquired an old TR7 pedal box and hope to use the fescalised(shiny!!!!) rod from that to mount the pedals on, and possibly salvage the bearings from the bottom of the pedals themselves. More to come soon. I hope!!